Friday, January 5, 2007

Best Wishes and Best Dishes!

I enjoy cooking blogs, although I don't have time to visit them very often. But, I thought it might be fun to start my own.... this will be quite different than others. Since Mark's job loss, we've begun participating in a ministry called Angel Food Ministries. For $25 you get a box of food that they say is valued between $50-70. The box contents are pre-determined by the ministry and you don't have any choices (except that you can add some specialty boxes to your purchase).

Sometimes the challenge is to determine how to use items that are in the box! I thought it might be fun to use this blog to share what I make from my box. I'd love to have people comment and share what they have done with their Angel Food box items, too.

Best wishes and best dishes! (That's what Paula Deen says, isn't it?)

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